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Đàn Roland E-X50 được ra mắt 2022 hứa hẹn nhiều tính năng hấp dẫn.


Đàn organ Roland E-X50
Đàn organ Roland E-X50

With its stylish design, professional Roland sounds, and integrated speaker system, the E-X50 Arranger Keyboard puts musical inspiration and entertainment at the center of your world. Immerse in reflective moments with rich, responsive acoustic pianos, or liven things up with a full-band sound and automatic accompaniment. There’s also a mic input with effects when you’re ready to sing along, plus onboard Bluetooth® audio to play with favorite tunes streamed from your mobile device.

Whether you’re a beginning player, rediscovering music again, or want a versatile, all-in-one keyboard for local performing, the organ E-X50 has everything you need to bring it all together.




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